The Kitchen Cousins

The Kitchen Cousins
Debbie & Lisa

Monday, October 26, 2009

About Kitchen Cousins

*  Who are the Kitchen Cousins? 

    ~ The Kitchen Cousins are Debbie Babore-Coats and Lisa Small who just happen to be cousins!

*  How Did Kitchen Cousins originate?

    ~ The credit for the name, Kitchen Cousins, goes to Debbie's husband, Michael but the story behind these kitchen cousins goes like this:
After Lisa's bout with breast cancer in 2004, Lisa spent the next year reading, doing research on illness and diseases, including cancer and writing a periodic newsletter (though always consistently periodic) to family and friends called the "The Good News Letter".  The Good News Letter contained information on health, how God designed our bodies, illness/disease, food, nutrition and diet.  Her newsletter contained an element of faith that resonated through her articles.
Lisa learned through reading, research, talking to doctors and her own experimentation through trial and error, that by building up her immune system, instead of compromising it with poor diet, lack of sleep, too much radiation (X-Ray/Nuclear testing and the like), chemotherapy and prescription or over the counter (OTC) drugs, our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, the way God intended.  She also realized, after she was hit with a ton of bricks, that all that she was learning challenged what she had been conditioned to believe and accept about conventional/traditional medicine so she began to question her understanding of it and her doctors'.
Because Lisa's cancer diagnosis was, let's just say, terrifically alarming to her cousin, Debbie, Debbie was ready and willing to learn what Lisa was learning.  She asked a lot of questions and even started digging, questioning and reading about illness/disease and health/wellness as it relates to diet, lifestyle and faith.  Debbie also shares what she has learned with her family and friends and oh, yes, strangers (you have to know Debbie) and anyone who cares to listen.  She, like Lisa, has learned to adapt her baking and cooking to new ingredients like organic and natural whole foods, including but not limited to, fresh produce, whole grains, natural sweeteners, raw dairy (unpasteurized and unhomogenized), free-range eggs, antibiotic-free poultry and antibiotic and hormone-free meats.
In addition, Lisa learned that it is by faith in God through our Lord Jesus Christ that she was able to grow and learn through her cancer experience thereby turning what was meant for bad into belssing for not just herself, but for others as well.  What Lisa learned and continues to learn, she feels, is not to be kept to herself and therefore willingly shares what God has taught her to anyone who wants to listen.  Lisa will also be offering classes which are to be announced.
*  What are the goals of the Kitchen Cousins?

     ~ Right now, the top three goals of the Kitchen Cousins are:

1.  To teach others by making information and resources available to those who are interested in gaining new insights (and implementing them) into nutrition and health through printed materials, craft shows, health fairs etc..., and through Not Just Cooking classes offered by Lisa Small.
2.  To continue to learn and grow and to press on no matter what, having up to date information to give to others.
3.  To write a book, one that will contain not only recipes but also reliable information and resources.          

The Kitchen Cousins, Debbie or Lisa can be reached at

To your health and ours!!